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Myco-Speak: A Glossary of Mycological Terms

By Dianna Smith

(Illustrations are from Gary Lincoff’s Audubon Society Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America)


This is a glossary – a list of terminology commonly used by authors of articles and books of mycology when describing characteristic features of a fruiting body or mushroom. Rather than guess what they may mean or skip over them, familiarize yourself with the words and their meanings. Doing so will enable you to better understand the descriptions and empower you to use these words when describing your finds to others. Know more – see more – comprehend more.


Mycology: Greek mukÄ“s = fungus + "ology" = study of) = scientific study of fungi


Mycologist: typically a biologist who specializes in mycology


Mycophile: someone who loves fungi


Mycophobe: someone who is afraid of fungi


Mycophagist: one who eats fungi, fungi foodie


Amateur mycologist: typically studies macro-fungi, (the ephemeral visible fruiting bodies of much larger organisms that have been actively growing within their substrates sometimes for years), initially at least for the purpose of foraging for edible food.


Macro Fungi: Visible above ground fungi with large spore-bearing bodies


Taxonomic ranks: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


Domains: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya


Eukarya: defined as having a nucleus in every cell


Kingdom level taxons: Depending on the classification scheme, there are at least 5 kingdoms of groups of living things: Chromista (diatoms, giant kelps, oomycote or water molds); Protozoa (a grab bag of unrelated organisms, including amoebas and slime molds); Plants; Animals and Fungi


Chromists and plants both photosynthesize, but are unrelated = autotrophs (create their own food)


Animals and fungi live by digesting (live or dead) plants and animals that eat plants = heterotrophs (must find and digest food to survive)


Fungi, unlike animals, first dissolve their food via enzymes and then absorb them


A more recent method of organizing information on earth’s living things is to divide the Eukarya into 6 different monophyletic "supergroups" (rather than kingdoms), showing they derive from a common ancestor


Animals, fungi and choanoflagellates are in the Opisthokonta


Plants, being more distantly related, are in the Archaeplastida (with red and green algae and glaucophytes = microscopic fresh water algae)


The most recent way of ranking organisms is to place them all into 7 kingdoms: Archaea, Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. Life is complicated, so methods of organizing our knowledge are subject to ongoing changes!


The most basic way of referencing any organism is by using the binomial system made popular by Carl Linneaus in the early to mid-eighteenth century.


Genus: taxonomic rank below family; always capitalized and italicized


species: lowest rank in taxonomy; never capitalize, but always italicize. Both the genus and species need to be italicized, for example Morchella punctipes.



arbuscular = Glomeromycota fungi which penetrate the roots of plants to exchange nutrients


mycorrhizal = fungal structures by which fungi and plants exchange nutrients and water


ectomycorrhizal (EM) = fungi form a sheath around plant rootlets and grow between cells of with root without penetrating the plant cells. Fungi provide water and nutrients to plants in exchange for sugars.


endomycorrhiza = fungi hypha that penetrate root cells of host plants


endophyte = fungus that lives within a plant without causing harm


saprotrophic = fungi that obtains nutrients from dead organic matter


parasitic = organism feeds on substrate at the expense of the host


pathogen = capable of causing disease in host(s)


mycoparasite = fungus that parasitizes another fungus (e.g., Hypomyces lactifluorum, the "lobster mushroom")


thermophiles = fungi able to thrive at high temperatures



Specific or cosmopolitan

Dead wood or living wood



hypha = single-celled-filamentous thread of mycelium


hyphae = many threads interwoven


mycelium = entire body of a fungus, most of which is underground or in other substrate such as wood; branching network of fungi


septum, septate = cross walls in hyphae that separate hypha thread filaments


fruiting body = term for spore-bearing structures of fungi


carpophore = fungal fruiting body


sporophore = fungal fruiting body


ascocarp = fruiting body of an ascomycete


basidiocarp = basidio means "small pedestal"


sporocarp = fruiting body of a fungus


spore = reproductive structure of fungi, single cell typically


MACROFUNGI: 2 Groups of Macrofungi: Ascomycota and Basidiomycota


ASCOMYCETES (asco meaning "open")


ascocarp = fruiting body of an ascomycete


ascus, asci = sexual reproductive cells or sacs in which ascospores are produced


ascospores = sexual spores of ascomycetes within asci (usually 8)


apothecium = cup shaped fruiting body with fertile layer inside of cup


pyrenomycete = flask fungi


perithecium = flask-like chambers that contain asci




basidio = "small pedestal"


basidiocarp = fruiting body of a basidiomycete


basidium, basidia = sexual cells in which basidospores (usually 4)are produced


basidiospores = sexual spores of basidiomycetes


FUNGAL MORPHOLOGY = "Study of shapes"

What questions do you have to ask yourself in order to adequately describe a fungus, so you can identify it to genus and species

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Cap – Shape, skin, disc, margin, texture, degree of removability


Flesh – Texture, color, durability or fragility


Veil or Ring (Annulus) – If present, note color, location on stem, durability


Partial veil – color, location; solid membrane or cortina


Hymenium = spore producing surface. Gills, soft or hard pores, angular, radially elongate, daedaloid, maze-like, round, veined folds, color, staining or discoloring


Spore color – Light or dark


Stem (stipe) – Shape, color, texture, durability, breakability


Stem context (inside) – solid, stuffed, hollow


Base – Equal, bulbous, clavate, tapered at base or apex, compressed with volva


Mycelial strands – Color, consistency, density, rhizomorphs present or not


Smell – None, asphalt, turpentine, honey, maple syrup, burnt sugar, parsley, old gym socks, maraschino cherries


Taste – None, mild, bitter, sweet, acidic, etc.


Attachment to substrate – Sessile or stipitate


Substrate – on living or dead wood, wood chips, soil, moss, leaves, needles, under what trees


MUSHROOM CAP (Pileus) = Umbrella shape cap above a supporting mushroom stem. Supports the gills.


cuticle = cap skin, sometimes it is removable


pellicle = thin layer of skin covering cap (typically gelatinous) and often removable to some extent


peleipellis = outer surface or skin of cap


disc = center of cap


depressed = navel-like so that the center is below the margin


umbo = central raised knob or mound


umbilicate = having a belly-button central depression


umbonate = having a raised central knob or mound

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campanulate = bell-shaped


conchate = shaped like a bivalve shell


conic = cone-shaped


convex = curved, rounded


depressed = central disc


flabilliform = shaped like a fan


infundibuliform = vase-shaped


multipileate = having more than one cap (e.g., Polyporus umbellatus)


plane = flat surface at maturity


plicate = resembling a folding fan 

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opaque = dull, lacking shine


glabrous = smooth, bald, absence of fibrils, scales, etc.


mollis (mollusks) = smooth, soft


rugose = wrinkled


corrugated = coarsely wrinkled


granulose = covered in small granules


appressed = pressed closely against but not united with


repent = prostrate


zonate = cap surface marked with concentric bands of color


azonate = lacking zones


concentric = having a series of ringed zones


canescence = hoary pale down


fibers, fibrils = threadlike mycelial filaments or fibers


sericeous = silky


silky-fibrillose = tiny silky fibrils


floccose = covered with tufts of loose cottony scales


furfuraceous = sand-like particles covering surface


hirsute = covered in stiff hairs


pruinose = pale bloom on cap like powdery white dust


pubescent = covered with soft, short downy hairs


squamules = small scales


squamose = covered in scales


squamulose = covered in tiny scales


recurved = scales curved upward or downward


decurved = downward bent scales


tomentose = wooly


subtomentose = finely wooly


villose = having soft, long hairs


tubercles = wart-like projecting knobs


setiform = bristle-shaped


pyramidal warts = pyramid-shaped warts


virgate = streaked with fibrils


gelatinized = jelly-like consistency


glutinous = viscid or slimy gelatinous layer


lubricous = smooth and slippery


viscid = sticky or slimy (at least when moist)


subviscid = slightly tacky or sticky


hygrophanous = color of cap appears soaked with water and translucent when wet and more opaque when dry


areolate = broken small patches separated by cracks in pellicle 


rimose = tiny cracks or crevices


mottled = blotched or spotted with different colors or streaks


autodigestion = self-digesting/liquefying (e.g., Coprinus comatus)




margin = outer edge of cap


incurved = margin turning inward


involute = inrolled margin


appendiculate = hanging remnants of partial veil on cap margin


fimbriate = finely torn or fringed


furrows = narrow grooves in margin


lacerated = torn or shredded


sulcate = deeply furrowed


striate = cap with fine radiating lines or furrows at cap margin


radially striate = minute striations or furrows radiating from cap center


translucent-striate = visible striations on thin translucent marginal tissue showing gills


translucent-sulcate = visible striations and deep grooves in margin




context = mass of hyphae between the cap pellicle and the fertile layer of gills, teeth, pores. The "meat"


trama = flesh or context of a mushroom’s cap, gills and stem


HYMENIUM = fertile spore-producing/bearing tissue of a fungus


gills = spore-bearing plates or blade-like structure of tissue under cap


tubes = cylindrical spore-bearing structures of polypores and boletes


pores = outer growing layer of tubular openings of polypores and boletes, tube mouths


tubes = cylindrical spore-bearing structures of polypores and boletes


pore shape = irregular; maze-like or labyrinthine, round, angular, radially elongate


boletinoid = elongated and radially arranged pores; structure between pores and gills;

ridges/veins = (e.g, Cantharellus sp.)


hydnoid = dentate = teeth


coralloid = resembling corals


gasteroid = "stomach" fungi, enclosed spores within the fungus for most of its development

image 5.png

GILLS = spore-bearing plates of tissue


lamella, lamellae = gill, gills


adnate = broadly attached to stem


adnexed = narrowly attached to stem


emarginate = notched at point of attachment to stem


sinuate = wave-like gill attachment


decurrent = running down stem


sub-decurrent = gills run a short distance down a stem


free = attached to underside of cap and not to the stem (e.g., Pluteus cervinus)


seceding = inside gill edge that pulls away from stem


depressed (boletes) = sunken pores at stipe apex




sinuate = refers to gills with notch or depression near stem


crenulate = finely scalloped gill edges


scalloped = having shell-like forms


SPACING between gills, width of pores

image 6.png

crowded = tightly-spaced gills


close = between crowded and subdistant


distant = widely-spaced gills


subdistant = between close and distant


forked = branched


furcate = forked


dichotomous = forking into pairs


intervenose = connecting veins between and on gills


DEPTH = relative length of gills, tubes or other fertile spore containers


broad =  (e.g., Megacollybia rodmanii, Megacollybia patyphylla)


narrow = (e.g., Rhodocollybia maculata)


GILL EDGE = downward-facing bottom edge of gill


image 7.png

marginate = pertaining to edge of gill being darker than the faces


crenate = rounded scalloped edge  


serrate = having saw-toothed points like a serrated steak knife


dentate = tooth-like gill edges


deliquescent = curling backward, dissolving, liquefying and dropping


latex = milky liquid that oozes from cut; does it change color?


color reactions to handling of fruiting bodies




dark = black, purple-black, brown, red-brown (e.g., Agaricus, Psathyrella, Stropharia, Inocybe, Cortinarius)


light = white, cream, pale yellow, yellow, ochre, pink, salmon (e.g., Tricholoma, Amanita, Lepiota, Russula, Lactarius, Marasmius, Mycena, Entoloma)

image 8.png

RING = annulus 


Partial Veil = membrane that protects gills during development


annulus = ring of tissue from partial veil that remains on stalk


annular zone = indistinct area covered with fine fibril remains of ring (e.g., Galerina marginata)


cortina = web-like veil protecting gills of Cortinarius and other mushroom genera


evanescent = short lasting or disappearing ring on stem


ascending = ring located on upper section of stem that flares up and out


superior = located on the upper section of stem


descending = ring that flares downward and outward


inferior = location of ring being low on stem


velar = pertaining to ring

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stalked = with a stem


stipitate = having a stem


sessile = without a stem


pedicle = small stipe


eccentric = attached off center


apex = the top of the stem


fluted = sharp ridges running down stem


clavate = club shaped


fusiform = tapering at top and bottom (e.g., Clavulinopsis fusiformis)


ventricose = stem swollen around its mid-point


cartilaginous = firm, but readily bent, breakable


glutinous = with a viscid or slimy gelatinous layer


mucilaginous = covered in slime


floccose = covered with loose cottony scales


granulose = covered in small granules


hirsute = covered in long, stiff hairs


coriaceous = leathery texture


scabrous = stem having rough scale-like projections


scabrous-dotted = with scattered short projections that look like dots


squamose = covered in scales


squamulose = covered in tiny scales


glandular dots = glands of sticky drops on stems of Suillus


punctate = minutely dotted or pitted


twisted striate = having lines that twist around the stipe (e.g., Entoloma strictius)


reticulate = net-like pattern on some bolete stems


reticulate-pitted = a network of ridges and shallow depressions


stuffed = soft cottony tissue made up of mycelium that tends to dry up and hollow out with time


hollow = empty of hyphae




bulbous = base is enlarged


basal mycelium = mass of hyphae at base of stem


caespitose = stems clustered together, growing in tufts


gregarious = many of same species in given area


pseudorrhiza = tap root-like extension of mushroom stem


rhizoids, rhizomorph = cordlike mass of hyphae


volva = cup-like or sac-like remains of the universal veil at the base of some mushrooms


SUBSTRATES – the material or place in which a fungus lives & feeds


habitat = environment in which a fungus lives


host = organism with which a fungus is mycorrhizal, saprotrophic or parasitic


broadleaf forest = forest of trees that lose their leaves in autumn


deciduous forest = forest of trees that lose their leaves in autumn (larch is a conifer that drops needles annually)


hardwood forest = forest of trees that lose their leaves in autumn (hard because grow slowly)


conifer forest = evergreen forest with pines, hemlock, junipers, cedars, firs


softwood forest = usually refers to conifers, but some like the yew has hardwood (soft because grow fast)


mixed woods = mixture of both hardwoods and conifers


coprophilous = dung loving


lignicolous = wood loving




central attachment


eccentric = off-center attachment


sessile = lacking a stem or stalk


stipitate = having a stem


terrestrial = growing from ground


tiers = rows


lateral = broadly attached to substrate (e.g., polypores)


solitary = growing alone, singly


gregarious = scattered closely


caespitose = clustered with stem bases attached or nearly so


resupinate = lying flat against wood substrate


resupinate reflexed = one edge flexed upward creating a small cap




Acrid, hot, peppery, bitter, sour, sweet



Fruity, coconut, honey, parsley, crustaceans, lobster, fish, rotting flesh, maple syrup, bleach, old ham, gym socks, tar



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